Woof Chewing

If you google how to stop your Woof from chewing items you do not wish them to, you will receive about 19,700,000 results regarding this topic! Overwhelming and confusing to say the least! Let us help you by breaking it down into two simple rules.

Never ever EVER put your Woof in a situation where they can access something to chew on if you do not 100%, lay your life on it, know that they will not chew something you do not want them to. Place them in a chewing safe environment! End of discussion! See our recommendations for safe environments. It takes proper training, NOT correction, to teach them. They received pleasure chewing on an item when you were not there, and negativity on chewing items they are not supposed to when you are. That only teaches them to chew when you are gone. 

Provide the right toys to chew. Most people do not understand it is natural for a Woof to sink their teeth into something that is satisfying for their pleasure. There are several types of chewing needs so, these are the types of chewing items you need.

  • Toys to play that they chase or rumble with.
  • Chew items that they can lie down and gnaw on for hours and hours. Different than play toys.
  • An item they can sink their teeth into and feel their gums hit. Especially needed for teething!
  • bin that you can collect all their items and put in so they can empty it out every day. And they will! This will show them what and where their toys are.