Woof Eating Grass

Are they trying to make themselves vomit? Ask the person who drinks too much alcohol, the day after they hugged the porcelain throne if the result was their intent. 😉 According to Pets.WebMD, grazing on grass is considered a normal Woof behavior. One small-scale study of forty-nine dog owners whose dogs had regular access to grass and other plants found that 79% of the dogs had eaten plants at some time. Another survey about plant-eating dogs found that grass was the most commonly eaten plant. Can it make them vomit? Yes, but it is not always the case. For the vast majority of our Woofs, it is just plain enjoyable! It feels good in their mouth just like ice cubes or carrots. They usually are not hungry, missing nutrition, or experiencing an upset stomach.

How to curb the behavior: There are two different answers to this question based upon whether you witness it or whether you are cleaning up after the fact and see grass in their vomit.

If you witness it, you can use a play toy as a distraction by first saying ‘leave it’ and quickly squeaking, bouncing, shaking, etc. the toy. Another way of distracting after saying ‘leave it’ is to wait until they look at you and then toss a small piece of carrot or treat near where they are located. Their desire will transfer from desiring to graze into desiring another taste and looking at you when the desire arises.

If you do not witness this, and their grazing is equal to a friend over-imbibing and paying the consequences, you will need to make sure that no chemicals of any kind, natural or not, have been put on your grass. If you cannot place your Woof in a chewing safe environment, such as a partition in your yard, then you must provide plenty of chewing items that will be more enticing than the grass. We recommend some great chew products that will last for hours and hours of enjoyment. Please see our list.