Traveling with your Woof!

Traveling with your Woof For those who wish to travel long distances (over 6 hours) with your Woof, prepare! Make sure your Woof has a collar on that they cannot slip out of. Purchase both a tag with your cell phone number on it AND a GPS beeper. Place these securely on the collar. The GPS will allow you to track your Woof if for any reason they get out and get lost. Order this ahead of time!

If your Woof has not been in the car before and you are concerned about car sickness, please see our anti-nausea homeopathic
recommendations and try them out ahead of time.

If you are concerned about anxiety, please see our proven anti-anxiety recommendations to help calm down your Woof.

crate is recommended if you have a large, young breed Woof that you are unable to control while driving. Otherwise, a halter and a leash can be used and will allow you control whilst riding in the car. If you are concerned about your Woof darting out when you stop, please make sure you have a long leash, at least 20’ or more, so you can give some freedom but still have control.