Woof Treats and Chews

Naturally Happy Pet believes in all Woofs enjoying life to the fullest. We only recommend pure, healthy treats and chews. We have reviewed and researched the products that our Woofs choose most often and spend hours enjoying.

Dogs are carnivores. An example of treating them as any other would be to place a Woof in a wheat or cornfield. They would starve to death. God did not make their bodies digest food that way. We will never recommend anything that has wheat, corn, sugar, artificial colors, MSG, corn syrup, nitrates, soy, or soybean oil.

There are many great treats, but the best are natural meat products. Chewing items such as femur bonesmammoth bones, and deer antlers are great stress relief. If you purchase any of the cooked mammoth or femur bones, you will need to scrape off all the baked fat and meat as it has been shown that too much may give diarrhea. Wipe it clean of most matter before giving it. The only time to remove them after they have chewed up a storm is when your dog has chewed so much, that the bones begin to splinter.

Many hard nylon or rubber bones are quickly dismissed by Woofs as they do not keep their attention. There are ways to get them interested in these items again, and even enjoy chewing on them. Sometimes it is as simple as dripping a few drops of bacon fat, rubbing a small dab of peanut butter, or even putting a dab of olive oil on them. Try it and let us know how they responded!