About Us


About Holistic Happy Pet

Naturally Happy Pets believes there is a need for both Western and Eastern medicine when looking for the best treatments for our pets. The knowledge of holistic treatment, behavioral information, and product reviews are offered free to anyone who needs it. We are an unbiased product review site that researches and recommends only products we believe in. We are not paid to promote any products, and the products that are referred to in any of the links on this site are not products we sell. We will not recommend any product whatsoever if we do not personally believe in them, and we encourage our followers to give us their feedback. We encourage you to review all products before purchasing. If you do not find a product that has been researched, please reach out to us in the contact us section. Stephanie Grace has 40 years of professional experience in animal behavior with degrees in Behavioral Science and Pharmacology. 

Her company, Praise Training, has worked with over 20,000 clients. Her work led to her researching our God-given nature’s healing properties that exist, and utilizing synthetic medicines as minimally as possible. Thus, Naturally Happy Pet was formed with the support of Kara Grace as creative director.

Many people ask how we make money, as we provide all information and research free to pet owners, and we do not sell any product ourselves. We are an affiliate with Amazon and several other companies, and we earn from qualifying purchases. We have a team of professionals that give their time and energy for this site and work with many rescues and rely on this to keep us open. 

“Thank you for your support and many blessings to you and your precious Woofs and Meows!” ~ Stephanie Grace

Bronwyn Katdare

Bronwyn Katdare is one of our esteemed qualified coaches on our forum and writes some of our Hot Topics of the week. Bronwyn is a certified dog trainer and behaviorist and has several graduate degrees under her belt. She is praised for her clarity in communication and gracefulness in instructional leadership and is regionally recognized for efficacy in progressive training methodology.When Bronwyn is not assisting in answering questions in our forum, she offers board and training programs, and live online private lessons.
Bronwyn’s expertise with special needs pets and holistic healing, with an emphasis on support in healing after an injury or surgery, brings an incredible addition to Naturally Happy Pet family.

Our Ambassadors


Ambassador - Feline Leukemia

This site is dedicated to all the little ones out there who need extra natural resources to help them thrive. Fiona is the perfect ambassador and example of what our holistic approach desires to do for our pets in need.

Fiona’s story: Fiona was rescued at 8 weeks of age after already enduring unimaginable abuse. Our little Fiona had been used as a front for a fake cat rescue and she, along with 100’s of other kittens and cats, were shuttled across the border of Mexico and sliced open for “spaying/neutering” over and over, crudely stitched and then brought back so their carriers could be used for drugs. Sadly, many of the cats did not make it. Little Fiona was taken by Stephanie Grace, founder of Naturally Happy Pet.

The vet that looked after Fiona said she had already been cut open at least three times. The tiny 8-week-old kitten had ear and eye infections, pneumonia, and a severe abdominal infection that prevented her from keeping food down. She was dying. Stephanie was told to put her to sleep but she refused. She took her the next day for a second opinion. The news was even direr. Fiona also had Feline Leukemia and Stephanie was told the little kitten would surely die within a few days. Stephanie began making her own food and giving supplements and enzymes to get nutrition in Fiona. Two weeks later the vet was amazed the little kitten was alive but gave her no longer than a few months. Two months in and the vet said she would most likely not last the year.
Our dear Fiona is 8 years old as of February 2022 and is healthy and thriving. Fiona will always live with Feline Leukemia and is our ambassador to show the world what the right holistic approach can do for so many cats living with this deadly disease.


Ambassador – Feral Cat

Elsa’s story: Elsa is named after the lion in born free that was one of the first rehabilitated lions released back into the wild. She was still a young 12-week-old kitten when rescued. Eight weeks is the cut-off behaviorally for most true feral cats (zero experience with humans) to completely bond to humans. Elsa came to us with a severe back injury and was in a lot of pain. Her level of fear of humans was heightened due to the pain of that injury. It took over a week for her to come out of hiding and another month before she would allow herself to be gently cuddled. It was over a year before she would allow herself to be picked up and held.

It is said that when a feral animal bonds to a human that the bond is greater than a domestic born. Elsa became puppy-like and followed her human around and would only eat in her human’s presence. The patience needed for this little one to trust seems long, but she was given what was needed. Elsa knows that she has nothing to ever fear again.
Elsa is our ambassador to show the world that with love and plenty of patience a little injured feral will rescue your heart right back.