Woof Flea and Tick Prevention

We prefer natural holistic measures to combat these critters, but for those Woofs that lead an adventurous lifestyle in our beautiful world, we will give recommendations for the safest non-holistic flea and tick prevention as well.  All non-holistic products will carry pesticides. We will always encourage you to check what chemicals are in or on the product. Although rare, there are cases of death when using these chemicals.

Studies have shown that oral treatment for fleas and ticks appears to be a little more effective but putting a chemical into the system of one of our beloved pets is not something we wish to chance. If chemical products are necessary for additional flea or tick control, NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) recommends-methoprene or pyriproxyfen, which are less toxic ingredients, but read the labels carefully because some products use them with other, more harmful pesticides. Ingredients like pyrethrin or permethrin, are incredibly toxic to cats.  Do not use it on any pet in your household if you have a cat as it can rub off on them.

No medication is without the risk of side effects but leaving parasites untreated is far more dangerous.  Here is a list of what we do recommend and why.
Our safest recommendation for the environment: Diatomaceous earth food grade can be placed on a carpet or an outdoor area where fleas have been found. This natural substance has a drying effect, that kills fleas, and should not be placed on a pet or breathed in. It should remain dry and undisturbed for 2 days before vacuuming or washing down. This will kill adult fleas. You will need to repeat as necessary.
Cedarwood Oil is a natural flea and tick repellant that when diluted in water (1-10 ratio) can be sprayed on pets’ bedding. You can soak your pet’s collar overnight in the dilution and after drying completely put it back on your pet for a natural flea and tick repellant.

If you are comfortable with using flea and tick treatments that do carry pesticides, and are very effective on killing parasites, our recommendation will be one that uses s-methoprene and fipronil. Make sure you only put the drops on the shoulders and not the hind end where they can lick it. Keep children and cats away from touching the area for a few days.

It is important that you contact your local poison control center and vet if you or your pet reacts to any pet product that contains a pesticide. Report any health issues as well to the National Pesticide Information Center at 800-858-7378.